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A clogged gutter system can cause problems for a homeowner, from water damage to pest infestations and more, but cleaning out gutters isn’t always easy.  But are gutter guards worth it, and can they save your home?  Deciding whether to install gutter guards is a matter of weighing an upfront expense against long-term benefits.  For homeowners looking to protect their homes, save their time and cut down on regular gutter maintenance, the answer is pretty simple.  Installing gutter guards is worth it.

There are a variety of gutter guards on the market, which will help you pick an option that suits your budget and needs.  It’s often possible to DIY gutter guard installation, which further helps keep the expense in check.

The most common types of gutter guards include mesh screens, PVC covers, foam inserts and surface tension helmets.  Despite the material and installation costs, gutter guards have the potential to pay for themselves in time by protecting your home and minimizing the need for gutter cleanings.

Fall is that magical time of year when you find yourself standing on a ladder elbow deep in the debris accumulated in your gutters, pondering whether or not gutter guards are worth it.  Although they certainly seem like a good idea at this precise moment, the answer isn’t quite so simple.  There are several different types of gutter guards, and all have their own pros and cons to consider.  It’s a decision you should definitely research once you’re off the ladder and safely back inside.

Of course, all gutter guards serve to keep leaves and debris out of your gutters, which they do with varying success.  Preventing debris and the resulting water buildup in your gutters extends their useful life by helping to prevent rust and rot.  This also helps eliminate a potential breeding ground for mosquitoes.  By slowing down the accumulation of stuff in your gutters, guards also reduce the frequency of gutter cleanings.

Cons of Gutter Guards

Just as there are some universal pros of gutter guards, there are also some common cons.  Gutter guards can reduce the frequency of gutter cleanings, but they won’t eliminate them altogether.  Tiny seeds, pine needles, and other small items inevitably find their way into your gutters and will still need to be removed, albeit less frequently.  Unfortunately, some guards can make cleaning your gutters more difficult.

You may not want to stick your hand in your gutters, but you can if you need to.  Unless they’re hinged or easy to pop on and off, some gutter guards make it difficult if not impossible to clean your gutters well.  Gutter guards can also make ice damming issues worse, and they lose their effectiveness if they become dented or dinged.  To prevent damage to the guards, you’ll also need to be extra careful when using a ladder to hang holiday lights or when you’re performing other tasks that require leaning a ladder against your house.

Pros of Gutter Guards

There are different types of gutter guards, and some have unique benefits.  Several universal benefits apply to gutter guards in general, however.  One such benefit is that gutter guards are made for retrofit installation.  You don’t need to start from scratch and incur the expense of new gutters.  You can install any type of gutter guard on your existing gutters.

Gutter Guards Reduce the Need for Gutter Cleaning

This is the primary reason people consider getting gutter guards.  By filtering or blocking leaves, twigs and other debris from getting into your gutter system, you won’t need clean your gutters as often.  Depending on the type of gutter guard you install, you can significantly reduce the frequency at which your gutters need to be cleaned.  Mesh guards are considered the easiest gutter guards to clean because you can simply brush off the top and lift the cover to handle anything clogging the gutter.  You also may need to call in a professional once a year to clean gutter covers that are securely installed in place.

Gutter Guards Protect the Home

Clogged gutters create problems for homes—plain and simple.  When water can’t freely flow through gutter systems and down the downspouts, there can be serious damage to the integrity of the home.

These risks include:

  • Water spilling onto the roof, which can cause leaks inside the home

  • Water pooling against the fascia board, which runs between the gutter and the side of the home.  This can cause the fascia to disintegrate and cause damage to the structure

  • Water pooling at the home’s base, which can damage the foundation and cause leaking

These are significant problems.  Avoiding these issues is exactly why gutter guards were created.  By protecting gutters and preventing the accumulation of debris that can cause clogs inside the gutter, you are also protecting yourself from these bigger, more costly emergencies.

Installing Gutter Guards Minimizes Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew are not good for your house. They also aren’t good for your health.  That’s one reason that installing gutter guards can be a real win-win.  To break it down, the most common materials to clog gutters are leaves, dirt and other types of natural debris.  These materials can also harbor mold spores, which can flourish inside clogged gutters.

Clogged gutters don’t only cause mold and mildew to develop outside the home, either.  When there is a clog that causes water to spill over onto the roof or side of the house, the housing materials are susceptible to rot—which is an easy way for mold and mildew to take up residence within the home.  This isn’t good for any residents but can be especially dangerous for people with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions.

Gutter Guards Help With Pest Control

In addition to preventing clogged gutters, gutter guards also help with deterring or blocking pests from setting up their homes in your gutter system.  By creating a barrier between rodents, birds and even snakes and the roomy gutter below, gutter guards are a vital first line of defense against a bigger pest problem. Without this barrier, pests living in the gutter can potentially damage the home.

Clogged gutters can also offer a fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.  Because mosquitoes hatch in standing water, clogged gutters can be the ideal spot for hundreds or thousands of baby mosquitoes.  Then there’s the matter of cleaning your gutters when pests are living inside.

Are Gutter Guards Worth it?

Foam guards can create more problems when they get wet, and brushes simply aren’t that effective.  Value wise, screens or micro-mesh are the most worthwhile. They’re fairly inexpensive, and they do help, even though they can’t prevent gutter cleaning altogether.

Buying Gutter Guards

There are many different products available, and there are a few things to consider before purchasing one.

  • Gutter style and size. Most residential gutters are what is known as K-style and are 4 or 5 inches wide.  There are also other styles, including U-shaped gutters that can be up to 7 or 8 inches wide.

  • The size of the openings. Some gutter guards are designed to keep out large leaves but have relatively large openings.  Others have smaller openings to keep out finer debris, such as pine needles.

Gutter Guard Maintenance

More than one manufacturer promises that you will never need to clean your gutters again if you install their product.  That isn’t always true.  Even if the guard keeps all of the debris out of the gutter, there are times at which leaves, pine needles, and other debris will stick to the surface of the gutter guard and clog the holes.  When this happens, you will need to brush off any material that the wind fails to remove.