* A+ rated roofing company
* Licensed, Bonded and Insured
* Free estimates
* Complete post job clean-up
* Over 50 years in the Washington, DC community repairing and installing new roofs
Flat roofs are those with a pitch of less than 15 degrees. They can essentially have a long life span, but only if they are correctly maintained. Life span will also be dependent on the flat roof materials used and you will generally find that felt or asphalt-based roofs are less durable compared to slate or more modern materials such as EPDM.
To prevent your roof from damage you will need to carry out flat roof maintenance on a regular basis and at least every Spring and Autumn, or following heavy weather conditions.
Flat roofs traditionally built from felts can be more vulnerable to splitting, blistering, ponding and felt movement.
Flat roof maintenance
By regularly checking your roof, you can remain vigilant and avoid major repairs. Through regular maintenance, you can work on a preventative basis to avoid flat roof repair, which will be much more cost effective in the long run.
Hire a professional to safely remove dirt, leaves and debris from your roof, gutters and drains on a regular basis. Where possible, a leaf blower will be the best option of removal as standing of the roof itself can damage it further. Unless your flat roof has been designed for use as an outdoor area it is likely that it will be very fragile. Standing on a flat roof can damage the slanting of the roof which is important to allow for rain run-off as well as punctures in the surface. Ponding will also occur when the run-off is not sufficient and can cause major repair problems.
Don’t forget that flat roof maintenance should include ensuring that all overhanging tree limbs are regularly cut back. Be aware that vegetation and moss can indicate that water is being held in sufficient quantity to allow growth which will ultimately lead to internal leakage.
After a heavy storm, check your roof for damage and ponding and clear away any leaves and debris. Snowfall can also cause significant damage and should be shoveled off the roof carefully to prevent this. Freeze thaw will split the surface so it is important to check for this which can be caused by expanding ice.
Internally you should regularly check your ceiling for any stains caused by water damage and leaking to ensure that you take corrective action as soon as possible in order to limit damage.