At Family Roofing, we take great pride in our experience, expertise, quality and customer service. It is our mission to provide excellent workmanship and complete customer satisfaction from start to completion of a project. Our reputation is based on service, safety and quality, regardless of how large or small the job.



Flat roofs last approximately between 10 to 20 years before they need to be replaced.  How do you get your flat roof to last till 20 years?  It’s quite simple.  Regular maintenance is most important.  Your flat roof can have a much longer life span, provided you perform regular maintenance (removing debris, fixing leaks and ponding, etc).  Maintaining a roof will involve some costs, but it will save you a lot of money in the long run.

What Is Roof Maintenance?

It refers to any kind of work done on a residential roof in order to prevent wear and tear.  Flat roof inspections need to occur twice a year or after a big storm to determine if anything needs to be fixed or replaced.  Because they have a very minimal slope, water drainage and direct sunlight wear down the flat roof over time.  That’s why flat roof maintenance is vital to extending the life of your flat roof and preventing interior leaks or roof damage.

Common Problems with Flat Roofs

  • Leaking – Worn or split areas in your flat roof shingles that cause interior water leaks.

  • Ponding – Large puddles that collect on your flat roof after rain, causing damage to flat roof shingles.

  • Splitting – Cracks or tears that appear in your flat roof, allowing in water or debris.

  • Blistering – Direct sunlight causing pockets of air to wrinkle your roof shingles.

A general flat roof inspection and maintenance should include the following:

Look for Debris

Some debris can be found on a roof usually after a storm.  Debris can scratch, puncture or cause serious damage to your roof so it needs to be removed immediately.  You should inspect for any visible damage when removing debris.

Repairing Seams & Membranes

Seams are where 2 pieces of roofing material are adjoined.  Both seams and membranes can be vulnerable to leaks, specifically in places on the roof that have accessories built into it such as air vents, skylights and air conditioner units.  The sun’s harsh UV rays can also break down the membrane overtime, causing cracks to form.  Any seam or membrane that is damaged or rendered ineffective needs to be repaired immediately to prevent further problems.

Replacing the Flashings

Flashings are installed into areas of the roof where where two opposing surfaces meet such as parapet walls.  These areas require the extra protection that flashing provides.  They help prevent water from leaking through the vulnerable areas.  Over time, flashings can become loose or deteriorated from excess exposure to moisture and will need to be replaced.

Clearing Clogging

Clogging may occur in drains, vents and scuppers,especially after storms.  Scuppers allow water to run off the roof, directing water to flow from the side of the roof down into a drainage system. All drains, scuppers or gutters need to be kept clear.

Plumbing Stacks

Plumbing stacks are pipes on the roof that direct air flow into the building’s plumbing system.  Check that they are clear of obstructions and properly sealed.

Look for Blistering

Check for leaks and blistering – blistering is roofing spots that are raised and spongy/soft looking.  They happen when air is trapped between the layers of felt or the felt substrate.  If a blister ‘pops’, then water can enter through and damage roofing material.

Check for Ponding

Ponding is standing pools of water that sit on your flat roof and are unable to drain or dry out.  Some ponding that has eventually dried out will leave a concave area with a water mark or dirt ring surrounding it.  If you notice these marks, then it means that your flat roof ponds regularly, and a proper drainage system may need to be installed to prevent further damage.

Check For Splits & Cracks

Splitting and cracking of roofing material can be caused by weather changes, added stress or pressure, ponding or simply poor workmanship.  Any area that is cracking or splitting needs to be filled.

Important Steps to Flat Roof Maintenance

Regular Roof Inspections

The best way to extend the life of your flat roof is roof maintenance.  That’s why you should regularly do a personal inspection of your roof and hire a professional roofing contractor for annual inspections.  As a rule, we recommend roof inspections in the spring and autumn.  This is because you want to take care of any potential roofing issues before the worst winter and summer temperatures hit.  However, you should also inspect your roof after harsh weather conditions including storms, strong winds, hail, and snow.  This way, you can clear debris and notice any potential ponding before these issues cause interior problems for your home or business.

Frequent Flat Roof Coatings

To spend less time on flat roof maintenance overall, getting your roof recoated is an important step.  Every 2-4 years, you should have a roofing company coat your flat roof to protect the surface from heat, mold, and water damage.  Choose a roofing company that maintains industry standards with the best roof coating materials.  This will ensure that your flat roof is energy efficient, resistant to weather damage, impact resistant, and more.

Be Careful About the Amount of Weight on Your Flat Roof

One of the most common problems you can encounter with your flat roof is sinking, especially if the roof is older or poorly maintained. That’s why you should be careful about the amount of weight you keep on your roof.  Heavy objects can leave deep compressions or damage the coating of your roof if allowed to sit for an intended time in hot or moist conditions.

Keep Your Gutters and Drains Clear

Water and debris drainage is a vital element of flat roof maintenance.  Because it’s mostly flat surface prevents thorough run off, your gutters and drains have to work harder to keep everything clear.  This is why you need to consistently keep your gutters clear of debris, creating a smooth path for rain and snow to exit the roof.

Even with the most devoted roof maintenance routine, you will eventually need flat roof repair.  Whether a major storm causes damage or you need a roof coating for restoration, you need to schedule an experienced roofing company to get the job done.